I am officially done exams! I don't even get a full day off until next week, what a bummer is that!?
Played LOTR with J.J. this afternoon, he traded with his brother last night and now owns The Balrog - the most powerful bag-guy card there is in the game, he's practically unstoppable. He won, but we plan on playing at least one more game tommorow night, I'll post who wins. I am a Virgo, and as such I love lists - making them and crossing them out. So, I made an entensive inventory of my cards and which ones I'm using in my current deck, I left the list out on my desk for J.J. to discover - I was laughed at, but I deserved it.
I went to see Anne of Green Gables with my Mom and Jenn tonight. It was awesome - I went to see Cabaret a couple of months ago, but that's more sexual and rocky. Anne was a real "Oklahoma!" type style, really clean and happy, it was a huge change from the shows I've seen in the past few years but I forgot what a great thing these types of musicals are.
Saw Artemis and Sara, the second time I've seen Artemis in as many days - maybe the fates are trying to tell me something - maybe I'll ask her out for a tea soon.
I will be posting on the Bookmobile website as soon as I finish the first book. It should be sometime in the next week so check the site regularly and read along with me!
Signed, Grrl Friday
Grrl Friday - An Army of One
The Adventures of a Twenty-Something Feminist.
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Saturday, April 26, 2003
Had a pretty fantastic day today: got my letter to the editor published in the paper (I will post it soon), got a B in my Women & Health class, and played two games of LOTR with J.J. - I beat him once. If I didn't have to work tommorow everything would be almost perfect.........
The Fantastic Friday Five
1. What was the last TV show you watched?
The last tv show I watched was the first thing I turned on this morning in bed - Bosom Buddies with a very young Tom Hanks, hysterical, hysterical, hysterical.....and Tom's mighty cute too.
2. What was the last thing you complained about?
My LOTR card deck - my cards suck at this point and I need to start building a much stronger deck with more men, elves and stronger minions. I am a complete loser, aren't I ?
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
Probably J.J. - I was having a conversation with his brother on msn last night and I was telling J.J. about it this afternoon and I told him that he was caring, loving, generous, good-looking and funny.
4. What was the last thing you threw away?
The paper box that held my dinner tonight - frozen vegetable lasgna...yum!
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?
The Barenaked Ladies Blog they have created it in order to keep in touch with fans while they are recording their new album in California. I love them, and I highly recommend you see them live at least once.
That's all for now, have a good weekend!
Grrl Friday
Saturday, April 19, 2003
I cut off all my hair, unless I shaved my head I don't think it can go any shorter. I really love it (thanks Allie!). Although I have two or three really unruly cowlicks throughout my hair and it make maintaining a style quite difficult, but I will manage.
Not much else to report, that's all for now!
Grrl Friday
Friday, April 18, 2003
One last thing before I go to bed, I just checked Blogshares and my site is finally able to trade. It's an awesome game, I stongly suggest you sign up soon!
Whoooah! The MoFo Friday Five
1. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Well, I'm actually not quite sure. I guess the first thing that pops into my mind is Hunter S. Thompson. He recently released a new book entitled "Kingdom of Fear" and Conan O'Brian had him on the show. Apparently Conan had gone down to Hunter's ranch and they had gone out shooting, in one clip Hunter started shaking and let out of sort of scream (I think it was a Meth flashback), and Conan just stood there, looked in the camera and said "This from a man who not five minutes ago was holding a rifle." Hunter is one crazy guy.
2. Who is your least favorite?
Oh, there are so many. Britney Spears for one, she comes off as a nice person and then sometimes you'll hear stories about things she has alegedly done and she just seems totally fake and fabricated. But, I guess that's sort of the point, she IS after all a pop production.
3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life?
I have, but they were all at cd signings while I was in high school. I've got a much better story. When I was young, my mom, my sister and I would fly to Winnipeg to stay with my grandmothers and uncles for a month each summer. One summer we got to the airport and for some reason or another we had no seats (I was young, so I can't remember the specifics). Anyhoo, my sister and I ended up sitting in first class, while my mom was confined to coach. At the age of seven I realized that the man sitting across the aisle from us was John Turner - then the leader of the federal Liberal party. I was quite excited, but never managed to say anything to him due to shyness and he had an assistant with him who looked mean.
4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not?
The only reason I would like to be famous is the money, there, I said it. But money wouldn't outweigh the tremendous loss of privacy that would occur. So, no, I don't want to be famous - unless I became a local celebrity which is just sort of laughable.
5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why?
You're going to think I'm mental.....Martha Stewart. The woman is a goddess! She gets so much done in one day - but it's because she's an insomniac. On her show this week they showed a breif behind-the-scenes piece about the offices of the television section of MSO(or Martha Stewart Omnimedia), and you should have seen the craft room they had! It made me wet just looking at it! Mmmmmmmm, craft room.......plus she has kitchen drawers which are actually fridges and freezers - now how cool is THAT?!
Well, I think I've exposed my perverse obsession with crafting enough for one day.
Signed Grrl Friday
Thursday, April 17, 2003
Time Well Wasted...
I was up until 4 a.m. this morning working on my stupid Women and Religions take-home exam. Have no fear, it did get done, although my body and brain are suffering for it. By the time I reached the fourth essay I was spewing out drivel, absolute tripe and I fear what my prof will have to say about it - although I did miss her classes alot this year I have tremendous respect for the woman.
So, here I am sitting at the big bookstore downtown, updating the blog. They have a much better internet system here now than they used to and since I needed something to do prior to having my hair all cut off I decided to try the new system out. I can get totally lost in a bookstore, I get tired of shopping fairly quickly, but I can look at books for hours - I just love them.
Picked up the new copy of BITCH magazine, which I am considering to include in the Bookmobile webpage, although it's not a book, it sis excellent reading material. I also ran into a friend whom I haven't seen since high school, it's often weird when that happens, but not this time. We just fell back into our old habits and discussions, she told me what's new and I did the same. It was nice, and she will hopefully be going my school next year, so I'll hang out with her then - I can't wait.
Very little else to say, I'll write more this afternoon, unless I pass out from sleep deprivation as soon as I get home.
Until then I am an incredibly tired and sore,
Grrl Friday
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
Finally got the Blogshares to start working, oh hey........it's 2 a.m.
When did THAT happen????
Later Alligator,
Monday, April 14, 2003
Ugh! Blogger won't let me get into my template so I can add the blogshares icon, so my site can start trading.....oh yeah, I'm a loser.
So, I wrote my first exam of the season. Went very well, mainly multiple choice and true or false with very few short answer questions in between.
I'm working on the bookblog (or as I like to call it, The Bookmobile) and will publish the url as soon as I get exams done with, probably sometime at the end of the month. While I was on amazon.ca this afternoon pre-ordering the Harry Potter book, I also started to compile a "wish list" of books that I am selfishly going to include on website in case anyone wished to purchase one for me.
I'm also in the process of getting the grrl friday site listed on blogshares which is a fantasy stock market for us bloggers.
That's all for now.
Grrl Friday
Wow! Sometime today I recorded over 500 visits to this site! Thanks so much to all my readers for continuing to visit despite my sometimes infrequent posts. I will have another Grrl Friday blog open soon - at the end of April, once exams are done, which will focus on books - mostly of the feminist variety (but other non-feminist books will also be included). Once again, thanks for your continued patronage - it means alot.
Saturday, in a word, was UNSUCCESSFUL. Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets was released on Friday, and I tried to tell everyone at my work that we were having a theme day - y'know dress up like people in the movie etc. In any case, no one did, so that's unsuccess number one. Secondly, on Saturday the shift I was working was specifically to sell wireless products, but not one person was intrested, and I was extremely bored - so that's unsuccess number two. Saturday night was the night of my student association's end-of-the-year pub downtown, there was no cover and all the donations were going to a women's charity. We sent out over a hundred flyers to the students that we represent. All in all, NINE people showed up - that's including me and four other members of the executive and four fo our friends. So essentially, no one other than the people who were organizing it showed up. HOW LAME IS THAT?
So as I said before Saturday = Unsuccess. Hopefully, with my exams starting tonight the unsuccess has worn off.
Signed Grrl Friday
Saturday, April 12, 2003
The Somewhat Late, Friday Five
1. What was the first band you saw in concert?
I think it was New Kids On The Block when I was in the sixth grade. It was an outdoor stadium and it was PISSING rain. My mom took my younger sister and I, we all had a blast, and still enjoy talking about the ringing in our eardrums the next day, and making fun of the two girls sitting behind us who were having absolute fits for the boys on stage.
2. Who is your favorite artist/band now?
Like many people I don't have a favorite artist per se, but this is my current turntable rotation:
Hawksley Workman - Almost A Full Moon
Kathleen Edwards - Failer
Both are awesome alt-folk albums - and they're both Canadian artists!
3. What's your favorite song?
Hmmmmm, well I don't know about favorite, but everytime I've heard the final song from Mister Rogers Neighbourhood in my adult life I turn into a mess of tears. This has been aggrevated by the fact that he recently passed away.
4. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
The bass. Ever since I was small I always wanted to play the bass. Everyone seems to be able to play some guitar these days but I know very few women who know how to play bass, or drums for that matter.
5. If you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why?
John Lennon. I know, it's cliched. Although Paul is still my favorite Beatle, John was cool for so many more things - his involvement with the anti-war movement, he was totally ahead of his time and he married for love. He seemed as though he was a truly thoughtful and remarkable person - I'd love to have a coffee with him one day.
Thursday, April 10, 2003
J.J's sitting at my diningroom table finishing up a term paper for his religion class. I on the other hand, after a long and hard two two weeks of intense presentations and peper writing, have taken ONE day off before I start going crazy about finals.
Slept in, met J.J. around the corner at about noon for some yummy lunch. Then went to the fabric store to pick up some material for a quilt (I know, how Martha) that my classmates and I are sewing for a prof that we all absolutely adore. It's going to be a representation of all the concepts and ideas we've learned this semester in our Theories class - I can't wait t'il it's done.
I was "voted" Co-Chair of next year's Student Association, I wasn't really running against anyone, and we still have three posts open so it wasn't so much a "win", but I'm still excited. I have to go to a department meeting tommorow morning, which looks like it might be intresting, at least I'll be able to meet the other profs that I haven't taken classes with and see how the red tape at the university works. Then head home and make dinner for J.J. and myself.
Saturday I'm scheduled to only sell cellphones which I'm also terribly excited about because phone sales = commission. I will hopefully be trained soon as the wireless rep at my store, which I think some of the cable guys are somewhat miffed about - and I understand why. But everyone can still sell phones, and I'm not getting a raise or any extra hours as far as I know, I just like expanding my skills and knowledge base. So, if you're in the area and need phone - come see me, all my money this summer is going towards next years tuition, and I need lots.
The end of the year pub is Saturday night, and I sort of have to go since I'm on the executive next year and I need to meet everyone and show my face. On a totally unrelated note, if I don't get into Teacher's College next spring I'm considering upgrading my B.A. in Women's Studies (which I will have finished my the spring) to a B.A. in Canadian Studies but probably through another university as the one I currently attend is mondo bilingual and to get a degree in Canadian Studies you need to take three of the mandatory courses in French - at the university across town, this is not the case.
I'll be posting more regularly in the coming weeks, I'm done school and three of my five finals are take-homes so I'll be on the computer and online a hell of a lot more. I'm also going to create a new blog, sort of a branch of this one. I've got a huge list of books to read this summer, most of them by feminist authors, and I'm going to be putting up reviews. There's so much crappy stuff out there that I want those intrested in feminism and it's related areas to have some good starting points early on in their search. The first book will most likely be bell hooks "Feminism Is For Everybody" - a must have for the beggining feminist, or for those who want a quick and concise introduction to the field. It's only about a hundred pages long, and an easy read - I love bell hooks! Also to come: something by Audre Lorde, something by Chandra Mohanty, Turbo Chicks, The Bust Girl Guide, Manifesta, Pink Think, Feminist Theory From Margin to Center (another bell hooks book which I have read several chapters from for class, but not the entire work), Mary Daly's explosive feminist theology in Before God the Father and The Changing of the Gods by the highly talented Naomi R. Goldenberg (whom I was fortunate enough to have as a prof this year).
Yes, I realize this is alot of books to read. But I plan on reading every one of them - and more, so stay tuned for the Grrl Friday book club to start up soon, although I won't have that jazzy adult contemporary music like Oprah does.
Well, I think this is probably my longest and most meaty post to date. Maybe it's all that essay writing I've been doing lately, if only that could be as easy as filling up blog space. Speaking of which, I'm also going to start posting some of old papers that I've written for some of my Women's Studies classes - I'll most likely start with the one I did on the role of women in the Star Trek television series - man I was proud of that one!
Until then, I am an extremely talkative Grrl Friday signing off.